New Civil Rights Movement born in L.A.

A new civil rights movement has begun with the first meeting of the CA Reform Sex Offender Laws organization in Los Angeles on October 1. The meeting attracted more than 50 people, including registered persons, family members, attorneys and psychologists from as far away as San Francisco and San Diego. One man came with his “victim”, who is now his wife.

The atmosphere was electric as people shared their experiences about how their civil rights have been denied. The group discussed how to work together to restore civil rights for those listed on registry. Specific topics discussed included the correction of inaccurate and misleading information on the Meagan’s Law website, relief from residency restrictions and CA Assembly Bill (AB) 625 which would have created a tiered registry within the state of California. California is only 1 of 4 states that lacks a tiered registry.

Presentations at the meeting were made by state organizer and attorney Janice Bellucci as well as PhD researcher Marshall Burns. In addition, one registrant made a presentation regarding his public appearance before the Orange County Board of Supervisors in opposition to an ordnance that prohibits registered persons from visiting public beaches, parks and other recreation areas. A second registrant shared his experiences in obtaining relief from residency restrictions.

The next meeting of CA RSOL will be held on Nov. 12 at the Unity church, 2222 Bush Street, in San Francisco. CA RSOL will return to Los Angeles on Dec. 3 at the ACLU building, 1313 W. Eighth Street.

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